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My Services



I design webpages, from how they behave on desktops to how they behave on mobile devices. I also do clean and sleek icon-info UI design of how a webpage looks on desktop. I achieve all this with the use of my favourite design tools Adobe Photoshop and Adobe illustrator.



After I have designed a webpage, I turn the design into a icon-info cross browser compatible website that’s also mobile optimized. I write all the required code from ground up, making use of latest web standards, languages and techniques (HTML5, CSS3, JQuery ect).



Testing is an essential phase in web development, it ensures that all features of a webpage work properly. To ensure that a webpage is cross browser compatible and mobile optimized, i test it on all major web browsers and use icon-info responsive design test tools.


Mobile Optimized

With most of today’s icon-info web traffic coming from mobile devices, I make it my first priority to make a web page mobile optimized, maintain the same feel and behaviour across all devices.


Cross Browser Compatible

I create web pages that are compatible with all icon-info major web browsers , which means the same feel and behaviour of a web page is preserved and delivered to all major web browsers.


Sleek Design

What good is a mobile optimized and cross browser compatible website that does not look good?. With the design skill set I have acquired I create clean and sleek web pages.